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    Seth Meyers slams Trump as 'a lying racist who's desperate for praise'

    Seth Meyers made his feelings about President Trump very clear in Wednesday's "Closer Look."
    "After being pressured into reading a carefully scripted statement denouncing Nazis on Monday, President Trump has spent the rest of the week showing us who he really is — and this is exciting — a lying racist," the Late Night host told his audience.
    Along with recent Trump tweets , Meyers cited a press conference held Tuesday in which Trump said there were "some very bad people" in the group protesting the planned removal of a Robert E. Lee statue, but also some "very fine people."
    "No, there are no fine people marching with Nazis and white supremacists," Meyers refuted. "No one gets accidentally caught up in a white supremacist rally."
    Meyers really hammered home his point at the segment's close, calling Trump racist and a narcissist. "He defends the white nationalist movement both because he's racist and because they show up and they chant his name and the show him love," the talk show host asserted. "And his brain disease makes it impossible for him to denounce anyone who supports him. What Tuesday showed is that Donald Trump will never change. He showed us again who he really is: a lying racist who's desperate for praise."

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