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    Witness: Terrorist shot by police 'got up again like a horror film'

    A man caught in the panic of the terrorist attack in Cambrils described the scenes as like watching a "horror film".
    Fitzroy Davies, who earlier told how one of the attackers smiled at police, was visiting the town for a judo camp.
    He told Sky News he saw one of the attackers get back on his feet, despite suffering police gunshots. He said:
    "He came running up, he had silver stuff on him, he had a thing in his hand, and then somebody shouted 'police' and then within 30 seconds the police came.
    "Next thing you know, they've drawn their guns and they were shouting at the guy and then shots were fired.
    "He then fell down and then within two seconds he stood back up. He then stepped over the fence, charged the police again and the police then gave some more shots and then he fell down again.
    "I couldn't understand what he was saying but he was just shouting something and he was going up and down the street and the police were saying 'stop', it must have been 'stop, stop', or whatever, and he kept charging until, in the end, they shot him."
    Mr Davies said the crazed attacker was behaving "like somebody who was on drugs". He said:
    "He was just going up and down the street, like ranting, raving and he was - I don't know if he was all the ticket, I don't know because he was just going up and down.
    "And then when he took the first round of shots he fell on the floor, and then within two seconds, I thought I was watching a film, one of them horror films, the guy just stood up.
    "Just stood up, got back up, walked over the fence and started laughing at the police.
    "And as he started laughing at the police, he was walking to them and the police started to step backwards and then they shot him again. And that's when he went down."
    Mr Davies said the terrorist appeared to be holding some kind of device, later thought to have been a mock trigger for a fake suicide vest.
    "I think it did it's job," he said. "It made everyone fearful. And I think that's what they were looking for.
    "He had something in his hand and at first everybody kept on thinking he's got something. And that's why everybody was running."

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