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    [PHOTOS] Meet The World’s Fattest Child At Age 10, Whose Father Borrows To Satisfy His Appetite

    A boy, Arya Permana who weighs 30 stone and, unsurprisingly, is classified as being morbidly obese, has been dubbed the world’s fattest child and has been put on a crash diet to save his life.
    He can’t walk any more and had to quit school as a result of his weight, achieved through a five-meals-a-day eating regime.
    His parents have been unable to find clothes that fit and he now wears a sarong all the time, finally getting them to come to the conclusion that he needs to stop eating.
    His mother Rokayah Somantri said: “He is perpetually hungry and has an enormous diet and can actually eat meals of two adults at one time.
    He is always tired and complains of shortness of breath. He only eats and sleeps and when he is not done with both, he jumps into the bathtub and stays there for hours.
    “There is no other pain than seeing your own child suffering. My son does not go to school because he cannot walk on his own and needs my round-the-clock assistance.
    “He can only take small steps before he looses balance. I wish to see my son studying and playing with other kids in the neighbourhood.”
    His father, Ade, said: “I have insufficient money to buy food to fulfil his large appetite. I borrow money so that he can eat. Of course, I cannot keep him starving.
    “I am exhausted now and I cannot afford expensive hospitals. But I hope to see my son perfectly normal one day.
    The helpless parents have now put Arya on a diet of brown rice in the hope of controlling his weight.
    “No mother wants to stop feeding her children but I am unfortunate and helpless. I have started putting him on brown rice diet. I am not sure if it help but this is the only thing I can do to stop him from growing bigger,’ added Rokayah.
    (UK Metro)

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