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  • Breaking News

    Court dissolves 17-year-old marriage over threat to life

    An Ikole-Ekiti Customary Court on Monday ordered the dissolution of the 17-year-old marriage between Kayode Ogunyebi, 60, and Jumoke Ogunyebi, 40.
    In his judgement, the President of the three-member panel, Mrs Yemi Ojo, said that all efforts to reconcile both parties by the court had failed.

    The court found out that the relationship between the parties was lacking in love and understanding.
    “Therefore, the court orders that both parties go their separate ways.’’
    Ojo ordered that the respondent vacate the house of the petitioner within one week.
    “Having established that the petitioner is owner of the house, the respondent should vacate the house within one week.

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